
幸運如意 高峰已過? Lucky Bubbles has passed its Peak?

幸運如意 o係一隻好多馬迷都有好感o既馬 (包括我在內) 演出相對準繩 而往往o係大賽中飲恨
o係 短途錦標 輸兩個半馬位以後 大家都有好多情感o既宣洩o係 柏寶 身上 亦有傳言下場會換 布文 跑

首先 柏寶 o係上場跑 幸運如意 完全無跑錯 就算擺個 布文 上去 最多可能進步一至兩個馬位

而 幸運如意 o係前仗追唔倒 幸福指數 好多人都怪慢步速 但係我已經覺得隻馬 開始回落 所以上場我已經係攞 幸福指數 做連贏膽 跑完 短途錦標 之後 更加確認我o既觀察o係正確

依我所見 幸運如意 唯一重生o既機會係轉馬房 轉訓練o既方式 如果唔係都好難逃出呢個下降o既軌跡 唔知大家點睇呢?

Lucky Bubbles are beloved by many racing fans, including myself. Perform consistently at high level but somehow always ran second in the most important International Group One races. After the loss of Lucky Bubbles in the Sprint Cup, many would emotionally blame that on Brett Prebble. There are even rumors that Hugh Bowman would run the next race.

Firstly, I don't think Brett has made any mistakes on his last run. In fact, even Hugh Bowman rode on Lucky Bubbles, it might at best improve by 1-2 lengths.

Many has thought the slow pacing is the key reason that leads to Lucky Bubbles loss in the Centenary Sprint Cup. I held a different view and believed Lucky Bubbles has passed its peak already. That's why I chose Peniaphobia as the Banker for the last race instead. After the race, I'm more confident on my conclusion.

In my opinion, the only chance that could help Lucky Bubbles to return or exceed its previous peak is by changing the trainer. It's brutal, but it's necessary. What's your thoughts?


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