
我看透了柏寶 I Finally Understood Brett Prebble

好多人話 柏寶 隻 慣勝聆聽 走外疊係想輸馬 其實 我o既看法係剛剛相反 佢係想搏殺o既

我已經觀察左 柏寶 o既騎法有一段時間 我o既結論係佢騎馬o既安全意識比 韋達 有過之而無不及 無他o既 佢兩個係香港都搵左好多錢o羅

所以 柏寶 殺馬還殺馬 佢都好注重安全 基本上有兩種模式

放頭 (靚先生 必搏) => 安全
轉彎走最外疊 (皇帝誥令 白玉凱旋 真好彩 x 2 慣勝聆聽 勝利仔 等等)  => 安全

要奢望佢係第三層或以後入直路再o係裡面涉位走S字路線 基本上係無可能

慣勝聆聽 走到中段 仍然o係第三層o既內疊 (第一層 威先生 第二層 中華寶貝) 柏寶 好自然地 拉隻馬出去外疊 不過 潘頓 隻 中游神箭 無啦啦再頂頂佢 咁咪邊左非常突兀o既由貼欄變五疊轉彎o羅

不過大家請不要誤會 我不是支持 柏寶 我認為佢跑得好差 不過我亦都認為佢只係有心走出去殺馬 而唔係輸馬

There are many doubting Brett Prebble's honesty on his ride of Dr Listening. I beg to differ. In fact, I think he was trying to win but using the wrong way.

If you look at Brett Prebble's recent rides, when he really wants to win a race, he would either i) putting his horse in front, or ii) moving to the farthest side and get a clear path on the straight. To him, safety first, and perhaps even more so than Douglas Whyte.

We have to understand both Douglas and Brett are humans. They have already accumulated a decent wealth (to say at least) after riding in Hong Kong for more than a decade. At this stage of their life, they would value Safety over High-Risk Winners.


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