
告東尼都算係咁 Respect to Tony Cruz

首先 吳嘉晉 近來受不少馬迷抨擊 佢o既表現唔太出色 這個是明白的 但公道d講句 佢只係跑得唔好 唔突出 永無神來之筆 但係起碼佢都無乜具爭議性o既跑法 或犯上嚴重o既大錯 佢騎o既馬大家可以隨便打個折扣 無傷大雅

但今日o既重點係講 告東尼 真正o既冠軍級人物 大家都知都知佢爭勝心是超強的 但話雖如此 佢都好睇d細o既 雖然徒弟勢弱 明知畀實力馬佢地騎 贏馬機係會低左 告東尼 都照撐 這就是真英雄 相反其他大倉真係好少畀減兩磅同減五磅o既騎師跑實力馬...

Firstly, K C Ng is under quite some criticism recently and it's understandable because his riding performance has not been impressive. To be fair, even though his riding performance is not outstanding and you can't count on a God's Touch from him in any circumstances, at the very least he didn't really ride a horse in any controversial way nor making critical mistake during a race. Everyone is free to put a K C Ng discount when evaluating his rides.

The focus of this piece is actually on Tony Cruz. He is a real champion and everyone would know he is a highly competitive person. Having said that, although his apprentice jockey is sort of at his trough, he is very willing to give competitive rides to K C Ng, knowing that by doing so the winning chance is reduced. That's an act of a True Mentor and True Hero. On another hand, it's very rare to see other major trainers to give competitive horses for apprentice jockeys with 2 / 5 pounds handicap.


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