
放眼看世界 Let's take a Global Perspective

唔係猛龍唔過江 麥偉利 比 潘明輝 年輕 座騎實力比 潘明輝的弱得多 沒有磅減 初來埗到 勝出率卻與 潘明輝 不遑多讓

不是要長他人志氣 但當我們還在沉醉於 潘明輝 逄出必勝o既紀錄時 也不要忘記放眼看世界

Callan Murray is no joke. Younger than M F Poon. Competitiveness of his rides are much lower than those of Poon. No allowance. Just arrived in a very competitive racing environment but his winning percentage is already on par with Poon's.

When we're still enjoying the winning streak of Poon, we shall take an impartial view and see what's out there.


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