
莫雷拉與潘頓 是敵是友? Joao and Zac, Friends or Foes?

琴日 莫雷拉 繼續停賽 潘頓 表現可以用光芒四射黎形容 9戰5冠3亞 但係 坊間眾多群組 基本上無乜讚揚過佢 如果琴日o既戰績放落 莫雷拉 度 正評應該多不勝數 可証 潘頓 近年o係普羅馬迷中o既形象已全面插水

其實 大家都感覺倒 莫雷拉 與 潘頓 係榜首 o既兩個騎師 但係佢地近一兩年o既串Q率可以話係十分低迷 今朝我心血來潮 做了個粗略o既數據分析 發現佢地實際串Q比率 (~4.8%) 比佢地 以純理論推算o既比率 (~9.0%) 足足低左四成本

佢地兩個是敵還是友 大家心中都會有個判斷吧!

Joao Moreira was still suspended yesterday and Zac Purton did show us what he has got – 5 Winners and 3 first runner-ups from 9 races. However, if you went through all the public horse racing discussion forum in Hong Kong, you hardly find anyone giving a dent about it. If we put the same record on Joao, positive feedback would be flooded in. Just a clear sign that the popularity of Zac has dropped significantly among the general public.
In fact, most of us do sense that as the Top 2 jockeys in Hong Kong, the frequency of a Joao-Zac Quinella is quite low. This morning I have run some numbers and found out that their actual Quinella rate is ~4.8%, 45% lower than the theoretical calculation i.e. ~9.0%.

Joao and Zac are friends or foes? I guess we could have our own judgment.


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