
向 獅子驄 團隊致敬 My Utmost Respect to the team behind Shamal

可能有很多因素造就 獅子驄 喺呢場贏馬 但係我真係要向 獅子驄 背後嘅團隊致敬 喺香港咁高競爭性嘅讓磅賽事 獅子驄 竟然可以五~連~捷~ 談何容易! 巫顯東 過終點後激動地振臂歡呼那一刻 實在值得紀念
There could be a combination of different factors that contributes to Shamal's win today, however, I have to give my utmost respect to the team behind it. In such a highly competitive racing environment in Hong Kong, winning five races in a season is already a very tough task, let alone consecutively. The passionate celebration of Apprentice H T Mo’s right after the finishing line is a moment worth to remember.

Photo Credit: HKJC

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