
最佳體育精神奬 田泰安 Sportsmanship Award Goes to Karis Teetan

莫雷拉 係今日o既主角 不須多講了 而 田泰安 絕對係今日耀眼o既配角 十匹座騎只跑了一個第三 但絕對無損佢o既心情 輸左隻 高利多 之後就一個箭步落馬 搵一支香檳 再部署如何伏撃 莫雷拉 一氣呵成 最佳體育精神奬 當之無愧 如果佢對騎馬都有如斯激情 下次佢話唔定可以自己開香檳慶祝

Joao Moreira is the Star of Today. We don't have to discuss further. However, Karis Teetan did steal a bit of the spotlight. He had 10 rides today and only got one Place. This doesn't seem to have bothered him. After Race 11, he used his lighting speed to find a bottle of champagne and a spot to ambush Joao with a champagne shower. Sportsmanship Award certainly goes to Karis but I guess we all hope to see him having the same level of passion in winning races as he does on celebrating fellow jockey success. 

Photo Credit: HKJC

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